• Pressure-Reducer--Flow-control-valve

    Pressure Reducer & Flow control valve

    Product group : Automatic Regulating Valves (ARV)، 
    Fields of application : Water treatment، Distribution network، Industrial applications، Power house، Water transmission، Irrigation، Dams and hydropower، Wastewater، 
    Medium : Warm water، Raw water، Drinking water، 
    Body : Steel، Ductile Cast Iron، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، 
    Disc : Ductile Cast Iron، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، Steel، 
    Sealing : NBR، EPDM-NBR، EPDM، 
    Temperature °C : Up to 70 
    Size (mm) : 1000 - 50 
    Pressure (bar) : 40 - 10 
    Price : 
    Description :Face to face: DIN EN 588-1 series 1(DIN 3202-F1)
    Flanges: DIN EN1092-2(DIN 2501)
    Product features:
    MIRAB control valves are used as regulating and control valves. The body is designed in either horizontal or diagonal shape, with the internal configuration suitable for fluid flow. The valves are controlled automatically by a pilot valve and water flow. Automatic control valves do not require an external power source, meaning that the fluid pressure is enough for opening and closing the valve. The body interior and exterior is coated with epoxy powder.

    The Automatic valve maintains the reduced downstream pressure at a constant value irrespective of the changes in upstream pressure and flow rate, also controls the outlet flow rate irrespective of pressure variation.

    To get further information about valves’s installation, operation andmaintenance, please contact mirab technical department.

  • 13eedce1-3578-4e84-a845-246c157aa062.png

    Pressure reducing valve

    Product group : Automatic Regulating Valves (ARV)
    Fields of application : Water transmission، Water treatment، Distribution network، Irrigation، Industrial applications، 
    Medium : Raw water، Sea water، Drinking water، 
    Body : Ductile Cast Iron، Aluminum Bronze ، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، Stainless Steel، Nickel Aluminum Bronze، 
    Disc : Ductile Cast Iron، Nickel Aluminum Bronze، Steel، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، 
    Sealing : NBR، EPDM 
    Temperature °C : up to 70 
    Size (mm) : 1000 - 50 
    Pressure (bar) : 40 -10 
    Description :Face to face: DIN EN 588-1 series 1(DIN 3202-F1)
    Flanges: DIN EN1092-2(DIN 2501)
    Product features:
    MIRAB control valves are used as regulating and control valves. The body is designed in either horizontal or diagonal shape, with the internal configuration suitable for fluid flow. The valves are controlled automatically by a pilot valve and water flow. Automatic control valves do not require an external power source, meaning that the fluid pressure is enough for opening and closing the valve. The body interior and exterior is coated with epoxy powder.

    The Automatic valve type 115 maintains the reduced downstream pressure at a constant value irrespective of the changes in upstream pressure and flow rate.

    To get further information about valves’s installation, operation andmaintenance, please contact mirab technical department.

  • rate-of-flow-control-valve.png

    Rate of flow control valve

    Product group : Automatic Regulating Valves (ARV)، 
    Fields of application : Fire protection network، Irrigation، Distribution network، Water treatment، Power house، Industrial applications، Water transmission، 
    Medium : Raw water، Warm water، Sea water، Drinking water، 
    Body : Stainless Steel، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، Ductile Cast Iron، 
    Disc : .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، Steel، Ductile Cast Iron، 
    Sealing : EPDM، NBR، 
    Temperature °C : up to 70 
    Size (mm) : 1000 - 50 
    Pressure (bar) : 40 - 10 
    Description :Size: DN 50 – 1000 mm
    Pressure: PN 10 – 40 bar
    Face to face: DIN EN 588-1 series 1(DIN 3202-F1)
    Flanges: DIN EN1092-2(DIN 2501)
    Product features:
    MIRAB control valves are used as regulating and control valves. The body is designed in either horizontal or diagonal shape, with the internal configuration suitable for fluid flow. The valves are controlled automatically by a pilot valve and water flow. Automatic control valves do not require an external power source, meaning that the fluid pressure is enough for opening and closing the valve.
    The body interior and exterior is coated with epoxy powder.
    Automatic control valves are used to control pressure, flow rate, fluid level, pump operation and … automatically. They can use in water supplies and water storages, pipe line and water networks, pump stations, etc. these valve can be used for fluids such as water and raw water with temperature up to 70°C.
    Automatic valve type 114-E&D controls the outlet flow rate irrespective of pressure variation.

    To get further information about valves’s installation, operation andmaintenance, please contact mirab technical department.

  • Onoff_float_control_valve.png

    On/off float control valve

    Product group : Automatic Regulating Valves (ARV)، 
    Fields of application : Industrial applications، Wastewater، Water transmission، Distribution network، Power house، Irrigation، Water treatment، 
    Medium : Warm water، Raw water، Wastewater، Drinking water، Sea water، 
    Body : .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، Steel، Ductile Cast Iron، 
    Disc : Steel، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، Ductile Cast Iron، 
    Sealing : NBR، EPDM-NBR، EPDM، 
    Temperature °C : up to 70 
    Size (mm) : 1000 - 50 
    Pressure (bar) : 40 - 6 
    Price : 
    Description :Face to face: DIN EN 588-1 series 1(DIN 3202-F1)
    Flanges: DIN EN1092-2(DIN 2501)
    Product features:
    MIRAB control valves are used as regulating and control valves. The body is designed in either horizontal or diagonal shape, with the internal configuration suitable for fluid flow. The valves are controlled automatically by a pilot valve and water flow. Automatic control valves do not require an external power source, meaning that the fluid pressure is enough for opening and closing the valve. The body interior and exterior is coated with epoxy powder.

    Floater valves model 110-6 and 110-10 keep tank water at constant level or keep the water level between the adjusted maximum and minimum range.

    To get further information about valves’s installation, operation andmaintenance, please contact mirab technical department.
  • Pump-control-valve.png

    Pump control valve

    Product group : Automatic Regulating Valves (ARV)، 
    Fields of application : Water treatment، Power house، Fire protection network، Distribution network، Industrial applications، Irrigation، Water transmission، 
    Medium : Warm water، Raw water، Drinking water، 
    Body : Steel، Ductile Cast Iron، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، 
    Disc : Steel، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، Nickel Aluminum Bronze، 
    Sealing : NBR، EPDM، EPDM-NBR، 
    Temperature °C : Up to 70 
    Size (mm) : 1000 - 50 
    Pressure (bar) : 40 - 10 
    Price : 
    Description :
    Face to face: DIN EN 588-1 series 1(DIN 3202-F1)
    Flanges: DIN EN1092-2(DIN 2501)
    Product features:
    MIRAB control valves are used as regulating and control valves. The body is designed in either horizontal or diagonal shape, with the internal configuration suitable for fluid flow. The valves are controlled automatically by a pilot valve and water flow. Automatic control valves do not require an external power source, meaning that the fluid pressure is enough for opening and closing the valve. The body interior and exterior is coated with epoxy powder.

    Automatic valve type 118-2R-EL is responsible for protection of the pump’s electric motor by preventing water hammer effect when pump is turned off.

    To get further information about valves’s installation, operation andmaintenance, please contact mirab technical department.

  • Pressure-relief-or-Sustaining-valve.png

    Pressure relief or Sustaining valve

    Product group : Automatic Regulating Valves (ARV)، 
    Fields of application : Dams and hydropower، Distribution network، Water transmission، Water treatment، Irrigation، Industrial applications، Power house، 
    Medium : Raw water، Warm water، Drinking water، 
    Body : Steel، Ductile Cast Iron، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، 
    Disc : .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، Steel، Ductile Cast Iron، 
    Sealing : EPDM-NBR، NBR، EPDM، 
    Temperature °C : Up to 70 
    Size (mm) : 1000 - 50 
    Pressure (bar) : 40 - 10 
    Description :
    Size: DN 50 – 1000 mm
    Pressure: PN 10 – 40 bar
    Face to face: DIN EN 588-1 series 1(DIN 3202-F1)
    Flanges: DIN EN1092-2(DIN 2501)
    Product features:
    MIRAB control valves are used as regulating and control valves. The body is designed in either horizontal or diagonal shape, with the internal configuration suitable for fluid flow. The valves are controlled automatically by a pilot valve and water flow. Automatic control valves do not require an external power source, meaning that the fluid pressure is enough for opening and closing the valve.
    The body interior and exterior is coated with epoxy powder.
    Automatic control valves are used to control pressure, flow rate, fluid level, pump operation and … automatically. They can use in water supplies and water storages, pipe line and water networks, pump stations, etc. these valve can be used for fluids such as water and raw water with temperature up to 70°C.

    Automatic valve type 116 is capable of adjusting the inlet pressure, control the network pressure and if necessary bypass the excessive pressure through the adjacent pipe.

    To get further information about valves’s installation, operation andmaintenance, please contact mirab technical department.

  • Float-control-valve.png

    Float control valve

    Product group : Automatic Regulating Valves (ARV)، 
    Fields of application : Industrial applications، Irrigation، Distribution network، Water transmission، Water treatment، Power house، 
    Medium : Warm water، Raw water، Drinking water، 
    Body : Steel، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، Ductile Cast Iron، 
    Disc : Steel، Ductile Cast Iron، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، 
    Sealing : EPDM، NBR، 
    Temperature °C : Up to 70 
    Size (mm) : 1000 - 50 
    Pressure (bar) : 40 - 10 
    Price : 
    Description :
    Size: DN 50 – 1000 mm
    Pressure: PN 10 – 40 bar
    Face to face: DIN EN 588-1 series 1(DIN 3202-F1)
    Flanges: DIN EN1092-2(DIN 2501)
    Product features:
    MIRAB control valves are used as regulating and control valves. The body is designed in either horizontal or diagonal shape, with the internal configuration suitable for fluid flow. The valves are controlled automatically by a pilot valve and water flow. Automatic control valves do not require an external power source, meaning that the fluid pressure is enough for opening and closing the valve.
    The body interior and exterior is coated with epoxy powder.
    Automatic control valves are used to control pressure, flow rate, fluid level, pump operation and … automatically. They can use in water supplies and water storages, pipe line and water networks, pump stations, etc. these valve can be used for fluids such as water and raw water with temperature up to 70°C.

    Floater valves model 110-6 and 110-10 keep tank water at constant level or keep the water level between the adjusted maximum and minimum range.

    To get further information about valves’s installation, operation andmaintenance, please contact mirab technical department.

  • excess-flow-shut-off-valve.png

    Excess flow shut - off valve

    Product group : Automatic Regulating Valves (ARV)، 
    Fields of application : Power house، Water transmission، Irrigation، Industrial applications، Water treatment، Distribution network، Wastewater، Dams and hydropower، 
    Medium : Warm water، Raw water، Drinking water، Wastewater، 
    Body : Steel، .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، Ductile Cast Iron، 
    Disc : .Carbon steel, low alloy steel, etc، Steel، 
    Sealing : EPDM، EPDM-NBR، NBR، 
    Temperature °C : Up to 70 
    Size (mm) : 1000 - 50 
    Pressure (bar) : 40 - 10 
    Price : 
    Description :

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